Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Monday to all...

We had a good Christmas here. It's been a bit chilly for us Southern Californians, but we can't complain too much! Here is a photo from my iPhone of Marley over the weekend...both boys are doing good...Reggie has been having a few more asthma attacks than usual, but I think the colder weather might have something to do with it...and of course, there is a lot more snuggling going on...Marley cuddled on my lap last night when I watched TV and Reggie kept jumping up too only to kick Marley out so he could take over the warm lap spot. But Marley is such a good brother and finds somewhere else to snuggle...Happy New Year!


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Happy Mew Year to you too! We see you have some festive lights up...we had some snowflake lights on, they were pretty but we liked chewing on the cat sized xmas tree the most!

The Island Cats said...

Glad to hear you had a good Christmas!! It's really cold and snowy here on our island!

Happy New Year to all of you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy New Year to you too! I am glad you had a good holiday! Stay warm!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Yep, I am having a little more trouble with my asthma too.~~Orion

Have a great New Years!