Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry all...

We know we've been bad and haven't posted in awhile, but our Mom has just been going a little nutty. She works out 5 days a week, in the mornings, at 5:15am! Then she goes to her day hunting job, sometimes taking a little cat nap in her car during lunch...then she's even crazy enough to sometimes workout (gasp!) AGAIN at night by doing yoga or run club somewhere here in L.A. So, needless to say, while she hasn't been neglecting us, she has been neglecting this blog. But have no fears, we are still here, healthy, happy and will be blogging just as often as we can. Oh, and did I mention she and Daddy are getting married next year?! So that is only going to add to the busyness around here!

Here is a picture Mom took on her iPhone this morning while driving back from Bootcamp.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well we are glad she is paying attention to you! I hope she stays well with all that busy-ness. She should take notes from us--we know how to live... slowing it down.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hey, thanks for stoppin' by our bloggie! And you know, there's nothing nicer than mushroom, potato and cheese catserole, hahameow!