Monday, September 15, 2008

Bath Time

Marley does not mind his baths. He is quite good and just stands there and takes it like a good kitty....Reggie on the other hand is a nightmare. Thus, I don't have any pictures of him in the bath at the present time....

Sphynx cats must have regular baths or else they can get skin infections....since they do not have hair there is nothing to absorb the natural body oils that all cats produce. My two boys get a bath every 2 weeks. Along with baths goes weekly (well, every 10 days) ear cleanings and nail cleanings as they get black waxy "gunk" in between their nails (again no hair to filter out the dirt and oils). Marley is very good with all these maintenance items....Reggie....not so much!!! I should count my blessings though - they could both be nightmares!

Good thing about bathing sphynx though - they are dry in no time!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

It's amazing how much your two are like ours! Dragonheart is like Marley - he doesn't mind his baths at all, unless they start taking too long. ;) Merlin, however, well, it's a real challenge to bathe him, clean his ears, clip his claws, etc. Just like Reggie!

Tina said...


Tina said...

Yuck. The bathing sounds (and looks) kinda gross!